The first International Art Kaunas festival was finished
Last weekend was started and finished the first international Art Kaunas festival was in Kaunas Žalgirio arena. In this festival take participated
33 artists from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, germany and India. This year the arts festival was dedidacated to the visuals arts. The big ready made objects were presented by Nester Custom art gallery from Riga. These mutual sculptures -objects was attaracted the greatests attention for festival visitors. During this firsth festival, the aim was to present the variety of genres, stylistic and make attention, was each participant of the international Arts Kaunas festival. Lives artists presentations of the participants of the festival took place: the artists shared their artistic experiences, details in this creative project. It was real and sincere. In this festival programme of this festival , we included the particiapants OXO art presentation "Recriuit" your own creations.! This is a new solution for the certification and distribution of representation. This festival guests of the festival had the oppurtunity to participate in an own discussion. The mood of festival was brightened by Rūta Remeikė.
She was read a lecture "Under what stars the artists born". ? Everyone could try can be the most famous painters in the world.
Everyone admired the works presented by the blues Arina. Having interested a speccial weave technique herself. The artist jewelrery that was inspired by music. During the evening was presented the artistic and poesie book "Mirages" published by the poete Rasa Swan and experimental painting artist Gabrielė Kuizinaitė. In this book the artist presenting most paintings from the collection "BirchLights" was
presented also in this festival.
A lot of intrigues was by the collection this year it was to the participants of the collection of the best work. This year the participants can to choose the best work of this festival. The large-forecast painting "Orchestra rehersal" an artist Ričardas Peleckas from Panavėžys. His painting picture was choosen the best picture from the International Art Kaunas 2023 competition. International Arts Kaunas festival sponsors "smells mynistry" owner Evelina Jankauskienė gives some prizes for different festival artists nominations.
Mosts photos from the International Arts Kaunas festival participants and viewers can be find in the this festival platform www.artkaunas.lt
The organizers for International Arts Kaunas festival participants said goodbye till the next year.
The International Art Kaunas festival organizers.

The International Arts Kaunas festival will be take place on September 29-30 days in 2023 years since 10 a.m. to 18 p.m. wich presents the art and artists from Lithuania and different countries and provides oppurtunities for artists, collectors, curators and art lovers, to establish purchase works of art directry from artists . The firsth festival will be brings new ideas, cooperation, with artists and participants for creativity, artistic growth creation and future projets. During this festival programme will be choosen the best art work and during the seconds festival next programmes will be most important part. In this firtsh international festival will be take participating 33 artists from Lithuania and others countries too.

Fallow the internationals Arts Kaunas festival platform in the our website www.artkaunas.lt